Socialite.js: Social sharing buttons
Socialite.js is a library for adding asynchronous social buttons.
SnapSVG.js: SVG animation library
SnapSVG.js is a creative SVG animation library that allows you to add motion and life to SVG's.
Shepherd.js: Guided notifications
Shepherd.js guides users through your web application with programmable steps and instructions.
ScrollTrigger.js: Animate on scroll
ScrollTrigger.js fires animations on HTML elements as you scroll via CSS classes.
Rellax.js: Parallax scrolling
Rellax.js is a lightweight parallax scrolling library for desktop browsers.
RandomColor.js: Color generator
RandomColor.js is a random color generator which generates only brighter, more visually pleasing colors.
ProgressBar.js: SVG progress bars
ProgressBar.js allows you to create and animate responsive SVG progress bars.
Popper.js: Tooltip library
Popper.js is a tooltip library that allows you to build spatially aware tooltips with programmable boundaries.
Popmotion.js: Animation engine
Popmotion.js is a great animation engine/library that supports tweening, svg morphing, svg drawing, element staggering and support for three.js.
Plyr.js: HTML video player
Plyr.js is an HTML5 video player library with out the box support for YouTube and Vimeo media.
Places.js: Address search autocomplete
Algolia Places.js is a powerful address search autocomplete library.
Pixi.js: 2D WebGL rendering engine
Pixi.js is a light, powerful 2D renderer that makes it easy to work with WebGL.
Photoswipe.js: Image gallery
Photoswipe.js is a comprehensive image gallery with an internal lazy loading library, clever position awareness transitions and modal gallery.
Particles.js: Particle generator
Particles.js is a library for creating and customizing animated particles.
Parallax.js: A parallax motion engine
Parallax.js reacts to the orientation of your smartphone and gyroscope or browser cursor.